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Highlights of Interim Union Budget 2024-25
Economic HighlightsDirect TaxIndirect TaxEconomic HighlightsINDIA’s GROWTH IN LAST 10 YEARS Download Pdf The Indian economy has witnessed great...
Highlights of Union Budget 2023-2024
Overview of Indian Economy Income Tax ProposalsGoods & Service Tax (GST)Excise & Custom Duty ProposalsOverview of Indian EconomyVision for...
Highlights of Union Budget 2022-2023
Business Opportunities: Union BudgetOverview of Indian EconomyIncome Tax ProposalsGoods & Service Tax (GST) Excise & Custom Duty...
Highlights of Union Budget 2020-2021
Highlights of Interim Union Budget 2019-20
Key Growth IndicatorsIndia's VisionSector wise highlightsDirect TaxIndian Stamp Act , 1899Indirect TaxPrevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002Key...